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I have formed firm friendships with vulnerable, hugely compromised people, and gradually, over many cups of tea, I heard only horrific stories. Stories of vile, seemingly neverending journeys. One young mother (23 years old) finally had the courage to tell me her sister and two year old daughter simply fell out of the boat.
Ian Shaw
This crisis will define our generation. Anything less than 100% commitment won’t work. History will judge how we respond over the next few years. Let’s not screw it up.
Katrina Kieffer-Wells
And when our children grow up and ask what we did, we want to be able to tell them – we did everything we could.
Rachel Hattingh
Direct action to help refugees. As long as there is a need, SBS will be there!
Sid McNally
These guys are the real deal, they get stuff done and are fantastic human beings at the same time. They rock!
Angus Clark
Chair of Herts for Refugees
Dedicated, compassionate, and have helped so many people so many times. We love these guys.
Amber Bauer
Founder of Donate4Refugees
I continue to be moved and humbled by the dedication and compassion of each and every volunteer I meet. Firm friendships have been formed with those fleeing war and conflict as well as with those who support them.
Liz Morgan
Until we, as white privileged men and women, stand with others whose lives have been scarred by war, famine, oppression and whose dream for a decent future has been smashed, the loving and equal world we all crave will be a long time coming.
Dr Ann Mitchell (Hon of Arts UEL, Lifetime Achievement Award, Actor, Activist)